• Note: We are accepting any kind of map. However, we are specifically looking for Jigsaw Levels and Parkour maps. Therefore, your arena may have a higher chance to be accepted if it's for once of those game-modes, as long as it meets our Map Criteria.
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Build Team Leader
Build Team Leader
I have tested and re-tested the entire parkour, if you could kindly point out the impossible jumps, it would help.
There's a 4 across and 1 up slab jump in the first tower I believe.
And somewhere in the second tower I believe I have no idea where to go, after climbing up an invisible pole it just kind of stops.


Well-Known Member
First tower: Drop down to lillypad below, there's barrier blocks above it.

Second tower:

- At end of emerald-block path, drop down into one of the 3 pools, if you hit barrier blocks above the pool, that's supposed to kill the player sending them back to last checkpoint.

- On top of tower, follow the snow blocks like before.