• Note: We are accepting any kind of map. However, we are specifically looking for Jigsaw Levels and Parkour maps. Therefore, your arena may have a higher chance to be accepted if it's for once of those game-modes, as long as it meets our Map Criteria.
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Important Map Criteria

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From now on, I will check and review all the maps done here. Please be patient as reviews can take time because I will be checking and reviewing all maps submitted in detail. Furthermore, please don't ask me or any of the Happy Hunger Games Network Staff members to review your map as this will only cause your thread to be deleted!

Before you submit a map, please read through this list and make sure that your map meets ALL of the criteria for the Gamemode that you are posting for.

In your post, you must include some way for me to review the map. Acceptable ways are through a plot id or name if it is on creative, screenshots or video if on a singleplayer world or server, or coordinates if it is in admins world.

Draw It:
  • Make sure that the board that people draw on is 53 blocks across, and 28 blocks up.
  • Try to make your level as unique as possible, you'll have a much higher chance of getting accepted if we don't already have a level like yours and the idea is original.
  • Maps can vary in size and difficulty, but please do not make them super short and super easy.
  • No Dungeon maps
  • In your forums post about your map, please include the following:
    • Name:
    • Difficulty:
    • Length:
    • Checkpoints: (In your map, please mark where you want each checkpoint to be with a sign)
Mob Arena:
  • Make sure to include an area for players who have died to spectate.
  • Include an arena lobby with a board for people to choose kits (There are 12 kits in total: 5 default and 7 VIP kits).
Survival Games:
  • Make sure to have a cornucopia (An area in the center of the map, with 24 podiums evenly placed, with 8-16 chests and a crafting table)
  • Scatter chests around the map! (Not too many! Or the map will be criticized for being too op. But not too little! Or people won't vote for the map, because it's too hard to get essential gear (A weapon, armor, food). You DON'T need to fill the chests with items, the plugin does it automatically!
  • It needs to have a set border (Usually glass, barriers, or void) evenly around the map ensuring that players CAN'T escape. If you don't have access to world edit (To make the border) in your forums post about the map, please include how big you want the dome to be (How many blocks away from the center of the map), and either Zainos, or a builder can add it afterwards.
  • Do not add any secret areas or op gear. Doing so can result in punishment including and up to a ban or ip ban.
Super Craft Brothers Brawl:
  • All Pixel art maps will be declined!
  • Make sure that your map is either a floating island, or above the void, so people are able to knock players off.
  • Please mark out 4 spawn points (With beacons) where the players will spawn, and make sure that they are all evenly spaced from each other.
  • We are no longer accepting four player Skywars maps! Maps must be for 8,12, or 16 players!
  • All pixel art maps will be declined!
  • Islands must be evenly spaced and symmetrically have the same distance to the middle one.
  • You may build more islands between the middle one and the spawn islands as they make the arena to look better. Doing this will increase your map chances to be accepted!
  • Do not build the glass tubes that players spawn in, they will be automatically generated by the plugin. Instead, mark out where people will spawn, with a beacon in the air. Make sure they are also evenly spaced and at the same height.
  • You DON'T need to include items in your chests, the plugin also automatically generates that, but make sure that there is AT LEAST two chests on each starting island.
  • Each starting island must have: Two chests, a crafting table, a furnace.
  • Optional on starting islands: Enchantment table, Anvil. If you do not have these items on each starter island, there must be at least one of each in the middle.
Kit PvP:
  • Make sure your Kit PvP map isn't too small.
  • The map must be suitable for Kit PvP (AKA no massive hills, annoying/in the way foliage, etc.)
  • Make sure to include a hidden parkour. The button will be added by Zainos or a builder.
  • Please don't add too much water to your Kit PvP map, since it can be really annoying for PvPing
  • Each of the players spawn points must be marked with a beacon (There should be 20).
  • Please make sure that you include a spawn point for the Black Market and say in your forums post about the map where exactly it is. (A lit beacon with black glass above it works well)
  • When building, you need to test if it is possible. If building on single player, you can test speed effects by doing /effect <YourUser> 1 9999 10. You can remove the speed by doing /effect <YourUser> clear
  • Determine checkpoints by putting a line of diamond blocks in the ground. There can be infinite amount of checkpoints. If you require any checkpoint to have any effect in particular (for example, If you want jump boost 5 from checkpoints 4 to 5, put it in signs at the checkpoint.
  • Leave all Hubs, Spawns and Lobbies to the Happy Hunger Games Build-Team!
  • Your map will look a lot better, more professional, and have a higher chance of getting accepted if you use Custom Trees!
  • Try to use themes that the server doesn't already have! (Ex: don't make biosphere maps, biome maps, etc)
  • If a spawn or map has just been updated or revamped, don't go making a new one. It will be declined.
  • Don't make your maps completely flat (unless it's for a Kit Pvp 1v1 map.) If you add some terraforming, and make the ground look custom, you will most likely have a higher chance of getting your map accepted!
  • If your map is built on singleplayer, please include a download link or PM the link to Trenly when you make the submission thread. If your map is built on a server, please wait until the map has been accepted or declined, to give a download link or not.
  • For a pvp map, if able to; try and replace water with blue scale glasses, and lava with red/orange scale ones, to not interrupt combat so much. (Like in Islands pvp)
Good luck!
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