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So did anyone else notice that HHG is coming out with 2 more game modes?! Personally i feel they need to get Factions and Super Smash Bros back up before any new gamemodes... since i was on the server (December of last year) I haven't gotten to play Super Smash Bros because its down! And factions i played all the time, and i know its gonna be a big update, i just feel they should focus on updating/fixing the gamemodes they already have, rather then coming out with new ones... Let me know what you think! Im very open-minded.


Trusted Member
Those are just reserved spots for when future gamemodes come out. Otherwise factions and SCBB are being worked on. They will be back up as soon as possible


Well-Known Member
Super Craft Bros*
And they're working on all the updates to as the text says when you try and join, be patient please :)
By the way, SCBB is coming out this month I think.


Retired Staff
His point is that they aren't working in old games. Which they are working in old games. Both facs. and SCBB are coming up soon
Super Craft Bros*
And they're working on all the updates to as the text says when you try and join, be patient please :)
By the way, SCBB is coming out this month I think.
Those are just reserved spots for when future gamemodes come out. Otherwise factions and SCBB are being worked on. They will be back up as soon as possible
There is no set/promised "release" time, but we are currently working on many big things (Two of which are SCBB and Factions). MY estimate for SCBB would probably be anywhere from a week to a month although that is just MY estimate ;)


Trusted Member
There is no set/promised "release" time, but we are currently working on many big things (Two of which are SCBB and Factions). MY estimate for SCBB would probably be anywhere from a week to a month although that is just MY estimate ;)
y'd u quote mine :c
I only said as soon as possible xD Because once it's finished it'll be released lol