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Pvp kits


Active Member
Hi, when the new pvp system came out with the chest menu, it did not have all the kits it had before, I asked somebody about it, I forget who, but they said that they will be added back again, so when are they coming back? or are they not coming back ? because there where some great kits like oitic, fluffy bunny and flash, I think there where more, but are they even coming back ?


Hi, when the new pvp system came out with the chest menu, it did not have all the kits it had before, I asked somebody about it, I forget who, but they said that they will be added back again, so when are they coming back? or are they not coming back ? because there where some great kits like oitic, fluffy bunny and flash, I think there where more, but are they even coming back ?
Some might, some might not. The update was to balance pvp, and some kits were removed because they were too op