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Kit PvP ./ignore (Players name)

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People will just start to complain about them losing and its annoying so i want to have a Feature where you can have /ignore and they can not see your chat anymore please and thank you <333


Retired Staff
YES PLZZZ All the toxicity on Kitpvp is outrageous, its always "Im better than you" "Why you so salty" "Kid" "eZ" "Bad" "Stop using that kit if you're good"

And why should we have to not look in chat so we don't have to see it? /ignore would be amazing and would stop a lot of fights and probably reduce mutes and bans.
Please add this, it is a great idea.


Retired Staff
People will just start to complain about them losing and its annoying so i want to have a Feature where you can have /ignore and they can not see your chat anymore please and thank you <333
I disagree with this suggestion for a few reasons. One includes that we want to PROMOTE players to REPORT other players who have broken the rules and as such if you ignore them, they can continue doing so and you would have no idea (if you do not know how to report a player there are guides) about it, letting the player commit a rule without having the consequence which is not tolerated.
YES PLZZZ All the toxicity on Kitpvp is outrageous, its always "Im better than you" "Why you so salty" "Kid" "eZ" "Bad" "Stop using that kit if you're good"

And why should we have to not look in chat so we don't have to see it? /ignore would be amazing and would stop a lot of fights and probably reduce mutes and bans.
Please add this, it is a great idea.
Secondly people who do constantly say stuff like that, if you politely ask them to stop and they are consistently doing so after a few times; depending on the situation (such as they argue back) then it could be deemed player harassment/disrespect. After all it is not too difficult to ignore them. It is YOUR choice to reply back and choose to have an argument or something else of that matter. And I also do not see how the concept of reducing bans/mutes is a good thing under the circumstances that you ignore them, since it is unlikely every player would ignore that one player who is breaking the rules (such as if they were advertising an IP in chat and you did /ignore, they could continue to do so and continue to break a rule or if they are spamming similar messages). Remember if players are saying such things in chat and this is if a staff member is on, you can contact them.

So I disagree with /ignore being in place. (BTW you can do /msgtoggle for messages being toggled off)


Trusted Member
I would love this. Although we should report and such... But sometimes some people don't break the rules and just get on your nerves. I would agree for this to be added.


Retired Staff
Like I said, constant player harassment and disrespect or just being rude in general to others is not allowed. I understand that you would get annoyed and players would get on your nerves.
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