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Global Hack report, reward system.

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Just had an idea to deal with people using hacks. Since so many kids here.. or in MC in general find it necessary. Create a reward program for those who's report which ends in successfully catching a hacker.this will promote more and more ppl to record and keep an eye out. You wont have to hire more mods and there will be many more people caught using hack tools. more eyes out the better. Also im guessing with the added eyes/presence on the matter many kids will stop completely..

I hope the alarming amount of people caught doesnt alarm staff but think about how much traffic gets lost when new people come and just cause they make a few good plays kids toggle their hacks and target if u say anything about it..
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Retired Staff
There are many reasons why this is a bad idea, first mods are not hired, they work voluntary with no payment, in a certain way this may promote a good anti-hacker wave, but then come the abusers who just want the reward, they will start to make up fake evidence and the wrong people being banned, plus all of the reports would have to go through moderators/helpers, and the only ones that have the power/command to give rewards are Zainos and Chris, and they are really busy, so overall this will cause much more drama than there already is now with banning people, the system is fine and there is no reason to change it.


What he said ^

Also, some clients have features to make it look like another player is hacking


Active Member
I think FroggyPhantom explained it pretty well. Less hackers.

And your arguments are silly.


Well-Known Member
This sounds cool, but there are a lot of little problems (in my opinion.) As some have said, people could provide fake evidence and innocent people may start getting banned. Also, isn't getting a real hacker banned enough of a reward? I think it would be pretty satisfying if they were an actual hacker and you provided the evidence to get them banned. Also, what would the reward be? They can't exactly give out ranks for things like that, and what else would they use?


Trusted Member
He just has no real reason for saying my statement is "silly", if he doesn't back it up, it is merely an empty opinion.
It doesn't matter if his opinion is empty. So your saying he can't say opinions without backing it up.


Retired Staff
Tut, please dont let things get off topic. And Zinex, "Your arguments are silly" gives NO reason to prefer that side of the situation, as Unitus just pointed out.

Regardless, i think this is a horrible idea for a number of reasons.
First, the main motivation for reporting a hacker is to get rid of them. NOT to receive some coins or a rank or whatnot.
Secondly, there would be a huge negative effect- players would rather report online than tell the online staff, because they want the documented report for reward or whatever. This would totally change the dynamics of staff, the forums, and really the server as a whole.
Third, this would easily create a massive wave of false reports and made up evidence that staff would have to wade through. People would be liars or tryhards and make tons of reports, and it would easily get overwhelming.
Fourth, as Unitus said, this would cause more drama than its worth. If a hacker is ruining the game for you, tell an online staff and they should come as soon as they can. If a staff does not behave in a way that you think is appropriate or not in accordance with server rules, pm Zainos or Chris on forums with Valid proof and documentation.

These are the main reasons against this but there are many one could think of. All in all, i think this is a bad idea. Thanks for the suggestion however


Well-Known Member
Tut, please dont let things get off topic. And Zinex, "Your arguments are silly" gives NO reason to prefer that side of the situation, as Unitus just pointed out.

Regardless, i think this is a horrible idea for a number of reasons.
First, the main motivation for reporting a hacker is to get rid of them. NOT to receive some coins or a rank or whatnot.
Secondly, there would be a huge negative effect- players would rather report online than tell the online staff, because they want the documented report for reward or whatever. This would totally change the dynamics of staff, the forums, and really the server as a whole.
Third, this would easily create a massive wave of false reports and made up evidence that staff would have to wade through. People would be liars or tryhards and make tons of reports, and it would easily get overwhelming.
Fourth, as Unitus said, this would cause more drama than its worth. If a hacker is ruining the game for you, tell an online staff and they should come as soon as they can. If a staff does not behave in a way that you think is appropriate or not in accordance with server rules, pm Zainos or Chris on forums with Valid proof and documentation.

These are the main reasons against this but there are many one could think of. All in all, i think this is a bad idea. Thanks for the suggestion however


Active Member
There are many reasons why this is a bad idea, first mods are not hired, they work voluntary with no payment, in a certain way this may promote a good anti-hacker wave, but then come the abusers who just want the reward, they will start to make up fake evidence and the wrong people being banned, plus all of the reports would have to go through moderators/helpers, and the only ones that have the power/command to give rewards are Zainos and Chris, and they are really busy, so overall this will cause much more drama than there already is now with banning people, the system is fine and there is no reason to change it.
I don't understand how it matters if mods are hired or not? I'm sure they can report players too and get a small reward for it.
And do you really think these kids on Minecraft can provide fake evidence? I honestly doubt it. If that were the case, why don't we ever see people providing fake evidence of people hacking merely because they do not like them?
Also, don't you think it's a bit silly that Zainos and Chris are the only one's who can give rewards / ban / unbans to people? I mean, for such a big server, I think you need a bit more than two admins / owners. If they're really so busy, hire people or promote the staff they already have (although the current staff are not fit for the job, in my opinion).

At least in my experience of playing, I come across many hackers and I just couldn't be bothered to report them. If there were to be a small reward (not too big to get kids to create fake evidence [even though they freaking can't!!!]. Maybe 200 credits or something...) maybe people would start reporting hackers. The only thing this could do is ban hackers. I really don't see the problem.

As for what Bach said: How was Tut off topic?? Lol? Also, I wasn't aware I had to back up an opinion if I said it. Is that part of the rules? I don't think so.
If the main point is to get rid of them, and few people are getting rid of them, don't you think that you need to spark people with a little more motivation?
Also, why is reporting online bad? If anything it helps YOU, since you wouldn't need to do nearly as much work. Why are you complaining??

They system is fine, but it could always be better since I come across at least one hacker nearly every day.


Well-Known Member
And do you really think these kids on Minecraft can provide fake evidence? I honestly doubt it. If that were the case, why don't we ever see people providing fake evidence of people hacking merely because they do not like them?
Believe me its happened


Retired Staff
Believe me its happened

I just did a report 2 days ago where a player did this. Used fake hacking software in order to try and ban someone else.

If players want rewards to catch hackers, I find that unnecessary and greedy. The staff team works very hard with catching Hackers, i personally catch around 5-10 everyday, and I do it for free too.

Don't critique our staff team when everything we do is for free, especially when you want a reward to help the server. If you need motivation to actually be helpful, accept the fact that you did something beneficial to others, and not just complain and insult us.
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Active Member
Yes because everyone loves doing things out of the goodness of their hearts. Get real.


Active Member
Yes because everyone loves doing things out of the goodness of their hearts. Get real.
Actually a lot of people do. Some who are selfish, like you, may disagree, but it feels good to help others, even if you don't receive a true "thank you".


Retired Staff
Zinex, please stop going off topic. While this idea may have had good intentions, i still think it would be a poor addition to the server and a bad idea.


Trusted Member
And do you really think these kids on Minecraft can provide fake evidence? I honestly doubt it. If that were the case, why don't we ever see people providing fake evidence of people hacking merely because they do not like them? [even though they freaking can't!!!]
Yes they can.
It's quite easy too.

Okay dude, how many people have you reported?

Ik you weren't talking about me, but, this sorta proves his point xD
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