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Well-Known Member
So far, PvP has been lagging constantly. And there are more hackers in PvP lately ever since "The Hub" came out. I'm starting to feel that Mods, and Admins need to check PvP more often. Becasue thats where you see most hackers. Sometimes, you may look at a player not hacking, and acting normal, but actually, they can be hacking. Most of them now on have a thing called a "Kill Arua" Which I think gives the player critical damage on every single hit. Even if the hacker isn't jumping. Also, these hackers also have hacks when they can do spin attacks or something and come sprinting at you, swinging their sword everywhere, when you can barely move. And you know that pressure plate underground that gives you strength 2? Well, when I was killing people, and got to the pressure plate, a player suddenly comes down from the surface, and hacks through the walls or something when I can't hit them. Then guess what? They end up killing me and I end up hitting the wall, making them deal with no damage. Either its a bug or a hack. Finally, I'm tired of this hack or bug, that when your getting your kit for PvP, suddenly someone tps you to the player once they enter the arena, when your not even ready. It's so unfair. So I hope the mods or admins can do something about this because I barely see any admins or mods in the jungle PvP. And makes this PvP so unfair to me lately.



Well-Known Member
If I was Mod, maybe I can rid the server of this infestation, I was temporarily a mod, and got rid of an advertiser, and 3 hackers.



Retired Staff
If I got my mod app accepted, I would definitely scout out pvp. That is where I spend most of my time. I do notice a good amount of hackers too.


Retired Staff
Plus, KillAura is when any player in a certain radius is automatically hit. Unless there are snipers, the hacker can sit there and watch as everyone who comes close gets automatically hit. You can tell because the body will turn to hit you but the head will stay in place.