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Well-Known Member

When Battlefield 2142's trailer (and gameplay hopefully) is better than Infinite Warfare's and BF 2142 WAS MADE 10 YEARS BEFORE IT!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm just pointing this out you can't ask what is better a tactical fps or a arcade fps but still you're going to argue so why not.

You can't say Infinte Warfare is bad have you seen gameplay or even seen it, Is this true? Yes.
Battlefield in my opinion is too tactical for my liking I like a simple game I can enjoy for a long time. I've played both games and by far Call Of duty is better.

Now lets look at the sales Call of duty has a much more sales than bf there must be a reason why. https://gyazo.com/3ff618766652ed11f25d64b99b66ae24 https://gyazo.com/ae03dc39a0aacfc8b3fddd8aa9846ba3

Also Cod has a much better and quicker gameplay than bf as in that it takes too long.