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Kit PvP Being able to sell kits.


Well-Known Member
So i was thinking some people in kit pvp buy kits then never use them. (I for one) So i was thinking that maybe people could sell kits that they dont use/ dont want anymore. so that they can buy other kits.
If this is added i think on number 5 in the players inventory should be a barrier to sell kits.
Just a suggestion. -Cola


Well-Known Member
I shall repeat this again, this is like refunding, you could buy a kit, use it for a few days then refund to use another kit, thus breaking the economy system


You should be able to refund it for 50% of the money it costed because then it couldn't be abused, it could be used the way it would be meant to.
It would still be imbalanced. Consider the following:

A player buys Ninja. While ninja is not a particularly powerful kit it can still get a decent amount of kills with its speed. Now, the player wants to buy a more op kit like fighter. The cost of fighter would be (Cost of fighter - 1/2 cost of Ninja). They just got that kit for cheaper. Now they want to get BlackMamba instead. Thats [cost of BM - 1/2(Cost of fighter - 1/2 cost of ninja)]. The "cost" of each progressive kit goes "down" since each kit made it easier to get kills.

As I said earlier, this has been suggested multiple times and denied. If you look, Zainos himself has said that refunding kits will not be added and that there is a kit preview for a reason.