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Global AFK Comands


Active Member
My suggestion is, AFK commands! If a player is taking a 1-5 minute break being afk, it would be a significant command. /afk would maybe signal if a player was trying to message, it would possibly say Player is AFK and cannot message the player. A player would move or use that command again to signal the player they are no longer AFK and can continue. A lot of the time, there are AFK people that stand there for hours! I know there is a time out but it takes a long time for that to happen to, but If longer than 5 minutes, it would boot you to the hub, or another little lobby so when you move, you go back to hub and continue. I know, my brother leaves the computer on and he stands in some server for hours, and you can't move them. It's quite annoying in parkour...

That's my suggestion for AFK players. Thanks for reading! Bye!


Retired Staff
Personally, I think it is better to have players be kicked to the hub or off the server if they are afk too long, instead of having a /afk command. This command could cause chat spam if people kept typing it, and would not really solve much i think...


Retired Staff
Or do /afk and they automatically get sent to hub, send them a message and the server will send you a message saying they are afk. When they move they will no longer be afk.

:eek: that would be boss