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What were you guys for Halloween?


Active Member
Ok, I know some of you may not celebrate Halloween or think your to old, but i on the other hand do celebrates and I dress up cause your never to old to dress up xD (my opinion) so what were you guys? I was Jasmine from Aladdin and my best friend was Cinderella. If you didn't dress up then just tell me something random.... bye ilysm <3 xoxo- Olivia


Well-Known Member
I dressed has Hillary Clinton going to prison. My costume consists of:

- A orange prison jump suit
- Shackles
- A Hillary Clinton Mask
- And last but not least a "Hillary for Prison" sign taped to my back

iiJam that video was great...


Well-Known Member
I was the Marionette from FNaF. I was too lazy to get my Lafayette cosplay out so
Edit: Here it is
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