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Parkour unban gay

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Retired Staff
That kind of discussion the word brings up we don't want on the server, just as we don't allow religious or political discussions. They just spark argument.

Additionally, it can be used as a crude insult. You don't need to say it anyway :) There's no particular need to bring that subject up while on minecraft :p


New Member
Plx uncensor it
By censoring it you're implying being gay is bad. Some gays might be offended.
Also, omw so many homophobes on the server. And, if you say g4y can be used as a crude insults, that's also pretty mean to g4ys. 0/10 server doesn't like g4ys.
Also, did just get muted by Zainos for 24h for saying g4y. I wasn't even using it offensively. I was supporting the gays.
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Retired Staff
This is the exact reason why we don't allow discussions of religious, political, sexual orientation, etc. The server takes no stance on it, and doesn't want players getting into heated debates about it.

It's not meant against homosexuals or for them. The reason is to avoid the issue altogether. This is minecraft. If you want to discuss that, go to Facebook or YouTube comments, but not on our server please.

This is meant to keep people from being offended by avoiding the issue altogether.


New Member
That kind of discussion the word brings up we don't want on the server, just as we don't allow religious or political discussions. They just spark argument.

Additionally, it can be used as a crude insult. You don't need to say it anyway :) There's no particular need to bring that subject up while on minecraft :p

Ya I guess your right. Theres no particular reason to say it on mc. Thanks :p


New Member
Zainos I understand and completely agree with you. However, due to the fact that there are A LOT of stupid people who don't get it and use that word to be rude, argue and to bully people, we have decided to block it in order to protect players and avoid further problems. I'm Sorry.
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