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Global This Needs to Stop.

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Trusted Member

it's minecraft. A game. A GAME OMGGGGG. no one is going to jump out the screen and literally kill you, it's just a stupid comment. It's probably an 9 year old boy saying you're dumb. Ugh, please please just realise it's a game. And that it's only a comment. Bullying in real life is worse, sometimes it never stops. But cyber bullying? Just log off of tumblr, and get your head into reality.

this sounded really mean I promise I didn't mean it that harsh lmfao


Well-Known Member
If you're really that affected by someone on the internet you don't know, either 1. what they are saying is true, or 2. it isn't true, well for 1, they are just pointing out something bad about you, 2. why get all upset about something not true. Its the INTERNET. If you don't like it, go to a DIFFERENT INTERNET. Oh wait, yeah, there's only 1 INTERNET. If you don't like how it is, don't use it. Plain and Simple.

People who get so upset by people they don't know are too sensitive.

I can understand like cyber bullying on social media with people you know, that's bad, but if you don't know the person, then honestly, who cares?


Well-Known Member
Just saying what some people are thinking, but not saying to preserve their "image" and show how they have a "heart."


Retired Staff
As a Helper I am dedicated to ridding these toxic players from the community whenever I can, but please guys, even if a staff member isn't online to see it, or they stop, you should always get evidence and report them! Don't just let it slide! It only takes a few minutes to report someone ;) <3


Trusted Member
Honestly, people will hate me and everyone else who agreed with me but you know what? Sometimes, the truth hurts. Doesnt it?
I'm not narrow minded, or cold hearted I'm literally stating FACTS. The Interent, is the Interent. It will be what it wants to, and how it wants to be. You cannot control it, please remember that.

and like literallllyyyyy minecraft is a fucking game, IT'S BASICALLY BLOCKS. People cyber bullying you on there? Ridiculous. Stupid. It's basically sutiable for 7+ year olds, and people say they get bullied. omg i cant even aswdefjhrji[g0po5j


Retired Staff
Cookie I get your point and yours as well Void. Although even though both of you disagree you still need to respect each other. People do get affected by these games and can take huge toles on someone's life and it is not to be taken lightly. So for those specific reasons us staff have taken on the role of getting rid of those people and doing anything we can to make the server a safe place for people to play on.


Well-Known Member
Okay so a lot, and I mean A LOT of people don't realize that other players are human beings just like them AND THEY THEY HAVE FEELINGS! It does NOT matter if they are over a computer screen or not you do NOT bully someone just for the sake of making people laugh or making yourself feel better. It sickens me to see what some people have said to others and yeah, sure, you can report them. Will they stop? No. Bullying is not okay in any way, shape, or form. Not everyone is made from steel and rocks and even the little things can get to someone so easily. If you don't have something nice to say DON'T EVEN SAY IT AT ALL!!!

People are going to the extent of calling others fat, ugly, and worthless. And it is time to draw a line. You can't call someone those types of thing and expect them to take it as a joke, because it isn't. You can crush someones dreams by just saying "You're not good at that" or "Why are you doing that you're not even good". This bullying needs to stop. We are human beings and you have NO right to be telling someone that they're fat and ugly just to make yourself feel better. We have emotions and we have hearts, we don't needs others telling is that we aren't beautiful because every human being is beautiful in some way. If you don't like that person then don't talk to them at all instead of laughing at them or bullying them.

I hope that the toxicity that some people are releasing into the HHG community will be put to a stop. And to anyone who has ever been told that they are fat, ugly, or worthless just know that you aren't. You are a beautiful person and there will ever only be one of you. So make yourself be the best person that you can be.
ANY sort of bullying; disrespect; rudeness; harassment etc. is NOT tolerated on the Happy Hunger Games Server. By all means it should be dealt with right away either via player report or a PM to a staff either in game or not. Players should not even be doing it in the first place as we do have RULES for a VERY good reason. A consistency of such an event occurring such as "ez" and "rekt" if they are saying it '24/7' is also not tolerated.
Respect Everybody

Every player deserves to have the best Minecraft experience, and being disrespectful towards others and the ideals of others, will not achieve this goal that Happy-HG believes in! Discussions about racism, sexism, Inappropriate conduct and references, religious and political views, and any other form of Discrimination will not be tolerated. Please do not disrespect our players or staff in any way. This includes being rude, bullying, harassment and/or flame-baiting.

Everyone has the right to be on HHGN without fear of being discriminated against, any reported violations will lead to immediate and system based punishment carried out by our staff team.

I COMPLETELY understand from what everyone is saying here. It is also not as easy to stop it as quick as you would want it. I do realize some players come onto here to take their minds off of things because certain, events have happened to them that have affected them. But please report players if they have disrespected or been rude to you. Thank you.
I've been bullied so many times on this server and have reported the people but no one has done anything? So I mean this post really has 0 menacing. Ok, yes you're getting bullied. I'm pretty sure EVERYONE has gotten bullied online. Like I'm sorry but grow up. I'm 13 and have been through 10x worse than any adult. If you have any issues with someone either report them or ignore them. There is absolutely no need to get mad at yourself for what they did to you. Don't drink bleach, cut etc. Yes I made a post about myself cutting and stuff but I realized I need to GROW UP. I'm getting older, I'm turning 14 soon. Like if you're 16 and being bullied and crying over it. Get OVER IT. If you want to know what bullying is, what "A Girl Like Her" on Netflix. that is something to be sad over. Ya'll have no right to be such crybabies over a game. NewsFlash: You're not the only one getting bullied. Watch "CyberBully" also on Netflix. That's cyberbullying all of you are so immature now-a-days it's not even funny. I'm honestly done with every one of you because you can't take the heat.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, people will hate me and everyone else who agreed with me but you know what? Sometimes, the truth hurts. Doesnt it?
I'm not narrow minded, or cold hearted I'm literally stating FACTS. The Interent, is the Interent. It will be what it wants to, and how it wants to be. You cannot control it, please remember that.

and like literallllyyyyy minecraft is a fucking game, IT'S BASICALLY BLOCKS. People cyber bullying you on there? Ridiculous. Stupid. It's basically sutiable for 7+ year olds, and people say they get bullied. omg i cant even aswdefjhrji[g0po5j

People don't get that and it's stupid. There was this guy who was complaining how such a bad life he has and how he tried to drink bleach and his dad yelled at him for it, and my brother said "that isn't true" and the guy said "stop cyberbullying me." It's ridiculous what people categorize as cyberbulling.
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