• Note: We are accepting any kind of map. However, we are specifically looking for Jigsaw Levels and Parkour maps. Therefore, your arena may have a higher chance to be accepted if it's for once of those game-modes, as long as it meets our Map Criteria.
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Parkour Slime Parkour


Build Team Leader
Build Team Leader
Presenting Slime Parkour By: SamThePugMC
Difficulty: Normal/Hard
Length: Medium
Checkpoints: 5
Icon: Slime Block
/p v SamThePugMC 4


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Good concept for the parkour, but the mono-texture floor of sea lanterns is not a good feature. I'm also not a fan of the glass walls, and the way that the parkour just goes back and forth through them. The iron block walls need texturing as well. Remember, the more detail, the better.

Try adding better flooring (with texture) besides just lanterns. Maybe change the walls to be a different block, with several glass windows. One big slab of glass is boring.

Otherwise, cool parkour idea! I'll have to try it in-game. :)


Trusted Member
I think this is a good idea and my suggestion is like people said before just add a little more detail.


Good concept for the parkour, but the mono-texture floor of sea lanterns is not a good feature. I'm also not a fan of the glass walls, and the way that the parkour just goes back and forth through them. The iron block walls need texturing as well. Remember, the more detail, the better.

Try adding better flooring (with texture) besides just lanterns. Maybe change the walls to be a different block, with several glass windows. One big slab of glass is boring.
Just what I was about to say


Retired HHG Build Team Leader
The parkour itself is great! The jumps are very well done! But the parkour is lacking allot of detail. I agree with MeltWood. The sea lanterns as the floor was a bad choice. There isn't any texture for the walls or floor. They're very bland.
And I also don't like the glass walls. Stained glass may have been a better choice.
All in all, the map's just too plain.
Sorry, but your map has been declined.