• Note: We are accepting any kind of map. However, we are specifically looking for Jigsaw Levels and Parkour maps. Therefore, your arena may have a higher chance to be accepted if it's for once of those game-modes, as long as it meets our Map Criteria.
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Skywars Skywars Map By RaInBoWbUdDy505


Trusted Member
What plot is this on? I can't really tell from how far away you are in the pics. Thanks!


Retired HHG Build Team Leader
Sorry for the late reply. The islands in the corners look quite nice. But the rest of the map doesn't really go with the ice theme, and I'm not sure why there are jungle trees there. Also, instead of birch and stone slabs in the middle, i'd say try doing some designs with snow and quartz, to try and keep with the snow theme. And I don' t really play skywars that much, but if what KasaiXenox says is true, that it's very similar to other maps, then maybe just scrap the idea completely and come up with something else.
Good luck.