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Fixed Plots World Bug


Well-Known Member
IGN: Handeril
When did you discover this bug?: A few weeks ago
What the bug is and how to repeat: If you use /plotme auto, there is a random chance of getting another player's plot, it's a rare chance, but it could interfere with future plots after the HUB comes out. :|
Where the bug is located: Plotworld


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
this is because plots got a little messed when we roll-backed the plot world when we got hacked... Just do /plotme clear to clear your plot :)


Trusted Member
TBNRFrags said:
Rice why would he gt banned for asking a question he is just asking maybe when he meant hacked he meant like people messing up plot back off ricemaster :/ no offense

He is noting a hole in information; zain said we didnt get hacked yet his post here says otherwise; i am simply adressing and reminding itzmenick to be carefull of what he says, same with you, it will give you a bad first impression; which cannot be redone.


Active Member
TBNRFrags said:
Its been redone like 3 times first when i payed to get back online and second when i didnt and just got on cus everybody got unbanned hahahahahaha So whats so wrong about him telling him info he isnt making fun of the server because it was hacked he is simply stating that since Zainos specifically says We didnt get hacked if he was lying or not Theres nothing wrong with lying sometimes since it is just a game
Again admitted your bigbang