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Kit PvP No Soups Option and a New Kit


Active Member
I think we should have the option of having no soups and maybe other foods instead

New Kit
I think you should add a Aqua kit which has buckets of water and also a diamond sword.


Well-Known Member
Soups switched for other food? Well it wouldn't be fair because then you wouldn't have to focus on throwing soup out of your inventory, just eating it and fighting. This would change how people PVP and it would be a lot harder to kill a person because instead of having to throw the soups out and then refill his soups he just needs to refill instantly and continues fighting.

Please be more specific on the Kit, HHG Staff can't just add a kit that literally says buckets of water and diamond sword.


Active Member
if you use the water buckets then everyone will get moved all around and the map will be all water.


Active Member
Soups instant regents your health, food does not, it only replenishes your hunger bar and your health bar delays a lot to regen. In kit pvp, our hunger bar is infinite resulting in no need for food. Having the food option will not benefit the server, as everyone will eventually realise that souping gives a far greater advantage when combating.

In kit pvp, we can't place/break anything, how will the bucket of water work? You're edging there, but I do think that the aqua kit needs some modification and further development. What do you think?


Trusted Member
I think we should have the option of having no soups and maybe other foods instead

New Kit
I think you should add a Aqua kit which has buckets of water and also a diamond sword.
Is this a joke?

1. Replacing soup with another food.. WOW! Just, I dont even know what to say!

2. Aqua kit? First of all, YOU ARE IN ADVENTURE MODE!! But if there was a powerup in the kit to, place water, than do u realize that does absolutely NOTHING! I mean, some pvpers actually use water on other servers for slowing down reasons, but literally, I dont think any pvper i gonna go on pvp, jump down, land and water, and just get pushed. Also it may cause a little lag.