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Gamemode New Gamemode

This Gamemode...

  • Must be added

  • is good

  • IDC

  • Damn...

  • Ah hell no

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Well-Known Member
Name:Whatever the frick you want, Zainos.
(Couldn't think of a name)

So this is a game I just came up with. So everyone starts in a random location on a fairly small map (like less than 75x75 and more than 25x25) and all with the same kit. There are 8 players who must fight to the death. But there is a twist, if you start hitting someone not in self defense, you get weakness 1 until 3 seconds after you last hit someone (not in self defense) or if someone else starts hitting you. If your getting hit by someone which they hit you first, you don't get weakness. And the weakness only lowers the damage of your hits on the person who you got weakness from. So if you have weakness and are hitting 2 people at a time (in a 1v1v1) if one person hit you first, and one person you hit first, the person that hit you first isn't affected by your weakness, so you do normal damage to them.


Sounds like maybe a good idea for arcade, but i dont think its good enough for its own gamemode


New Member
It sounds fairly interesting, I think you should try programming it and run a test to see how the general public likes it!