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My story on HHG... [In response to WizzardDestroyer]


Well-Known Member
I could say it was somewhere in August, or late July, when IvoryAlloy80 convinced me to come on HHG for the first time, much out of my element, I left the server and returned to my own server, later on, he convinced me to try the server again, this time, he introduced me to obsidianwolf9999 and csemin, he also told me about Zainos and MrAnnoyingCookie being the server owners, obsidianwolf9999 invited me to the OBWolves, and I became a part of their faction, I had many problems at first, where to go, etc. but, soon I became familiar with PlotWorld, and began running a little shop. OBWolves got greifed, and relocated to a new base, the next day, the server got hacked and griefed, after the rollback, Zainos made a drop party, and I began to like the server a little, I upgraded my shop, home, base, etc. But soon I fell in my own lava pit, and lost everything, since my few friends didn't want me to leave, I stayed, soon I tried out every world in HHG, and had my first encounters with Benthebeast142, KhmerFresh, and Minerches. Losing my stuff once more, I went on for a while, collecting stuff again. Soon, the OBWolves were griefed again, and again, and DaBaccas took me in under their wing, by then, I was friends many people, many of which I'm still friends with today. :cool: I began building a panic base, for when things went wrong, and began living there. When I became VIP, I instantly became intoxicated by the power it gave me, I had access to the best items, the best commands, and even got a 500K mansion. But as always, trouble came about, I remember having struggles with cash on the server, opening up an HShop that k3vino2 took over, and many other things, I remember when Tiln_ was banned for taking non-vips to vip world, and even saw it as it happened, after that, it's a quick rush to the current day. OBWolves and SnowDogz patched things up after their war, and I became friends with some of the SnowDogz again, I became friends with staff, I began inviting more people to my server, making it not so deserted and empty, I met EpicStudMuffin5, the terror strikes, and then today, after a fateful auction of diamond and iron blocks that I worked hard to get, Zainos destroys everthing have over some stolen MA crud that came from EpicStudMuffin5, enraged, I went back to my own server leaving messages about my leaving of HHG in the forums. I began building my server up, and now, it's almost ready to go live. So, now a brief history of my story is coming to a close, I have many friends, foes, and neutral bystanders, I have a server that is aimed to go live next week, and me and Zainos are once again in a distrustful atmosphere. Even though I regret having to leave, I cannot stand the tyranny of Zainos. HHG is a good server, but it's Zainos, that ruins it for some. Good luck to everyone I'll miss you all, except AnilucardClover, and Zainos, I hope one day you 2 will pay for your actions against the innocent.