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Me? A Happy Hunger Games builder?


Well-Known Member
Of course, we went through this before. I will say this very carefully. WE NEED MORE BUILDERS! Now, I'm just the person! I'm a royal builder! If you want to know what that means, you should listen to what I say. Really, a royal builder can build royal things, like very nice mansions. Or nice plots, things like that. Also, I already created a game on my /p h Rumblestrut called Robot Battle. I built that WHOLE thing by MYSELF. No bacrit, no nothing. So, I was wondering if you would make me a builder of Happy Hunger Games. Also, I'm creating a mansion in the creative world at /p h:2 Rumblestrut. It's still in progress because I can't go on Minecraft on the school days. :cry: Also, I can make you different types of things. Like new parkour, mansions, PvP Arenas, new games at the HUB Server, and everything! I also made a cute little wooden cabin at my /p h:3 Rumblestrut because it's winter! ;) Also, if you catch me doing something terribly wrong, please ban me from this job! Forever! So please, please respond to this as fast as you can and think about it! :D

-Royal Builder Rumblestrut


Active Member
sgtnickjames said:
HHG builders don't just build houses, they build things like arenas, lobbys, things like those.
:lol: did u not read his entire message thing? he said he could build lobbies new parkour maps mansions and pvp arenas...


Well-Known Member
When you say all, I think all I said was houses. Dude, I said I can BUILD different things besides HOUSES. :shock: