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Fixed Lost Of Rank

Reece VanDeWeghe

New Member
I had lost access to my Mockingjay rank. My in game name is MagicPanda22. I do not know the server but think it is mc.happy-hg.com. I had the rank about 3 months ago when I played last. I logged on today (june 7 2015) and noticed I did not have access to my plots in creative. So I started to recreate the plot. Then I wanted to build another and the sever said I could not. So I typed "hi" in the chat, and my Mockingjay name did not pop up. So I quit and reopened minecraft and it did the same. I would please like to be back to my past rank. I paid for this about 6 months ago, and would like this ASAP.

-Reece (MagicPanda22) ;)


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Fixed! By the way, Mockingjay rank is now Called Capitol. So if you see Capitol rank don't worry because that's the same rank you had before (perks remain the same, you can see rank perks at http://store.happy-hg.com/)