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Let's all have fun.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it just be cool if you joined a PvP server and saw everyone just standing there partying, swords dropped, and armor not worn? Just to see people in a PvP zone, supposed to fight, but they're just having fun? The more I thought about this, the more it came to my mind that (in a way) the world is more of a savage place than really ever before. When people join a game they just think about "how to win" when in all reality no one really thinks "how could I have fun?" It does take effort, but I'll tell you that I've had way more fun when I don't play towards the objective in a game. Like in Skywars, Bach (now _TeamValor_) and I used to just build stuff instead of fighting. We had a blast! We would build funny structures out of what we had until the time limit ran out. Many would say we wasted our time or we didn't gain anything but in all reality, what's the point? You play a game to have fun, why bother caring about stats or winning? Yeah, stats and numbers can give you a feel of accomplishment, but in all reality, it doesn't make anyone else feel better. In a sense, having "the best" stats and is more of being greedy against other people having fun. "Wow look at me I have 5,000 kills in sg!" is actually more like "Wow look at all these people I've killed, maybe even making them quit playing! Better stay away from me!"
Yes, it's okay to sometimes play games how they're meant to be played and have a bit of competition (it makes us better at the game). I just see so many people bashing on others for not being the best at video games or minecraft when we sometimes just need to take a step back and think: Video games are something that were created for laughter and enjoyment. There's no need to bash or be rude to others, it's just not cool and in the end doesn't really help anyone. Many would say that if you fool around in games then it's just a waste of time but let's face it, video games in general really are just a big waste of time. So if it's all a big waste of time, why not have fun with it? PvP should stand for Party Von People, let's all drop the bashing and have fun!

Aside from this: Yes, I did quit playing on this server, "so why bother typing something on the forums?" Because 70% of my darn diggity skype contacts play on this server so might as well type a long message here lol


Trusted Member
I agree with you Lucas, sometimes you just gotta have fun. And when it's down to me and my friends sometimes in SG we fight with just our fists or make diamond shovels even though we have better weapons. In skywars we almost always do a sumo tori or stand in the middle of a giant Tnt box and see who survives.


Retired Staff
Get the whole server naked at Ying Yang dancing go ahead. I 100% won't get Stomper and make my day.


Trusted Member
I agree!
Also, I used to do the same thing you did on skywars. Those were the best times ever..because I was having way more fun building everywhere and messing around than the actual objective. I remember on UHC I once just spent the whole time making an awesome house :p


Active Member
Its not fair for the people who want to pvp.....HOWEVER we just need to stop being competitive all the time and just have a great time :D maybe one day everyone should join one server (Creative, Skywars, Hub) and just PARTY! Have a unique Happy Hunger Games moment!


Trusted Member
Its not fair for the people who want to pvp.....HOWEVER we just need to stop being competitive all the time and just have a great time :D maybe one day everyone should join one server (Creative, Skywars, Hub) and just PARTY! Have a unique Happy Hunger Games moment!
I agree totally. Let's get one started!


Trusted Member
I agree!
Also, I used to do the same thing you did on skywars. Those were the best times ever..because I was having way more fun building everywhere and messing around than the actual objective. I remember on UHC I once just spent the whole time making an awesome house :p
yes I used o do that to just run and have fun at the skywars lobby.


Retired Staff
Tryhard? More like truth. The end result of a game is to win it. Just like the end of a life is death.
They don't add endings to games just for the fun of it. Yes its fun to play the game. But dancing naked in a block game isn't very fun to me.


Build Team Leader
Build Team Leader
Wouldn't it just be cool if you joined a PvP server and saw everyone just standing there partying, swords dropped, and armor not worn? Just to see people in a PvP zone, supposed to fight, but they're just having fun? The more I thought about this, the more it came to my mind that (in a way) the world is more of a savage place than really ever before. When people join a game they just think about "how to win" when in all reality no one really thinks "how could I have fun?" It does take effort, but I'll tell you that I've had way more fun when I don't play towards the objective in a game. Like in Skywars, Bach (now _TeamValor_) and I used to just build stuff instead of fighting. We had a blast! We would build funny structures out of what we had until the time limit ran out. Many would say we wasted our time or we didn't gain anything but in all reality, what's the point? You play a game to have fun, why bother caring about stats or winning? Yeah, stats and numbers can give you a feel of accomplishment, but in all reality, it doesn't make anyone else feel better. In a sense, having "the best" stats and is more of being greedy against other people having fun. "Wow look at me I have 5,000 kills in sg!" is actually more like "Wow look at all these people I've killed, maybe even making them quit playing! Better stay away from me!"
Yes, it's okay to sometimes play games how they're meant to be played and have a bit of competition (it makes us better at the game). I just see so many people bashing on others for not being the best at video games or minecraft when we sometimes just need to take a step back and think: Video games are something that were created for laughter and enjoyment. There's no need to bash or be rude to others, it's just not cool and in the end doesn't really help anyone. Many would say that if you fool around in games then it's just a waste of time but let's face it, video games in general really are just a big waste of time. So if it's all a big waste of time, why not have fun with it? PvP should stand for Party Von People, let's all drop the bashing and have fun!

Aside from this: Yes, I did quit playing on this server, "so why bother typing something on the forums?" Because 70% of my darn diggity skype contacts play on this server so might as well type a long message here lol
I really couldn't agree more. Every time now when I go on PvP, I just get targeted by Excalibur for no reason at all, which only makes me think, "And the point is...?", he may find it fun and all that, but wouldn't it be better if he had just stopped targeting so I could have some fun too? In PvP, people take things too seriously, targeting, kill streaks, combos, always saying 'ez' all the time, thinking they're amazing and cool when they kill 1 person. But maybe, if they just stopped doing that, then the PvP Server will be less serious and more fun for everyone else. I hope I'm not the only one who sees this. =/


Retired Staff
I never got the people who were SO competitive. I totally get it, you want to win, but winning shouldn't make you curse at one another and be crude. At the end of the day, the point is to have fun. There's no point in getting off the computer mad about losing. If losing wasn't an ok thing to feel, Minecraft wouldn't have the fun mini games we all love and play.


Trusted Member
Well, surely if you are playing the game In the first place you are already having fun. Because if you aren't, then why are you still playing? Stop whining.


Trusted Member
I never got the people who were SO competitive. I totally get it, you want to win, but winning shouldn't make you curse at one another and be crude. At the end of the day, the point is to have fun. There's no point in getting off the computer mad about losing. If losing wasn't an ok thing to feel, Minecraft wouldn't have the fun mini games we all love and play.


Retired Staff
I agree 100% with this, we all want to win, achieve, and be successful. Although, it's much more fun if you do things with other people and be creative along the way of getting it. Or sometimes you just need to step back, take a break and mess with what you have learned and make cool and interesting things out of it.


Retired Staff
I never got the people who were SO competitive. I totally get it, you want to win, but winning shouldn't make you curse at one another and be crude. At the end of the day, the point is to have fun. There's no point in getting off the computer mad about losing. If losing wasn't an ok thing to feel, Minecraft wouldn't have the fun mini games we all love and play.
Most people are fine when they die. The arguments start when people say things like "eZ" after they kill someone.