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KOTL is way to comlicated!


Well-Known Member
Ok, even though I have my home set, I promise to delete it. But people have the ability to set home in KOTL, and usually they set it on top of the ladder. I find this now quite unfair, even though I did, I promise to stop. My friend, TNTcinder told me about this, and I liked it at first, but I realized there was no point and it would give others a disadvantage. So I think you should remove setting homes on the top of the ladder, and possibly not even allowed setting homes in King of the Ladder. I have other things to say about KOTL as well. There is so much spam once you start climbing. Because once and a while someone would spawn like 64 Ghasts, create major lag, not make it for players to climb because they can't see, they have to kill the Ghasts, and if the Ghasts manage to hit the players, the players can get knocked off the ladder which would be super unfair. There should also be no camping on the dispencers. (I'm talking about the ones that give you weapons to knock players off the ladder.) It makes it cheap because if someone was on top of one, and it was a Harming potion or egg one, people could just spam it at players and they cannot climb. And when there on those disbencers, they can easily click the button again and get a reload. And it keeps on going. So why not put it as a rea where they can't enter shall we? Also, how about they can't use a weapon while on it at all. There should also be no deaths if you fall very high. Because it's very annoying to tp back to KOTL multiply times because you died. Also, I've noticed higher ranks than me have smaller disguises which means tinyer hit boxs. mommysboy was doing KOTL when he turned in a XP and I could not him! (By the way he was flying.) So please not allow disguises in KOTL. Also, there should be a command where ranks cannot fly. I've seen a lot of ranks lately fly up to the top of the ladder. Finally, this is my biggest rule. No camping at the top of the ladder!!! (I will stop doing it.) Instead of letting players camping but won't press the button saying they made it to the top, why don't we just get rid of that? Because there is a preasure plate if you make to the top, so why not change it saying if you touch the preasure plate once you get to the top of the ladder, it says you made it to the top. I hope you like my opinions on what I think of KOTL so far. -Rumblestrut


Well-Known Member
The sethome issue, and fly issue, understood, but you realize that "small" disguises have a normal "humanoid" hitbox when you shoot arrows? The camping on top of the ladder, it does get a bit annoying. :/ And the camping on the dispensers, can be resolved with a couple damage potions. (This is kinda WHY you can kill people in KOTL.)

If it's not complicated, then people will lose interest.