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Kit PvP Kit


Retired Staff
(Recrafter) You get full iron armor,
regular diamond sword,
And 64 bowls, 64 red and brown mushrooms.

The advantage to this kit is that you can refill double the amount you would be able to with warrior.
If you're getting 2v1'd and you're no where near the soup sign or if its getting camped, no need to worry, you've got a full inventory+ of soups.

If you accept this, I was thinking a price of around 800-1200

Note: Yes there is a soup sign on all of the maps, If you're getting 2v1'd and you're stuck in a corner or running into a dead end, this is what the kit is designed to help with.
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So basically, more soup to make fights last longer. But you have to craft it, yet you still don't have to go to the sign?

Better than just a stack of soups, since you actually have to take the time to craft it, but I sill am just as against this idea as I was the extra soup kit. It would just make fights last insanely long. Especially since crafting takes no longer than 3 seconds (Hotkey the ingredients into the craftbox, shift click the results. Boom, full inv of soup.)


Trusted Member
I like the idea very much it seems like a good kit and I would love to play it.
So basically, more soup to make fights last longer. But you have to craft it, yet you still don't have to go to the sign?

Better than just a stack of soups, since you actually have to take the time to craft it, but I sill am just as against this idea as I was the extra soup kit. It would just make fights last insanely long. Especially since crafting takes no longer than 3 seconds (Hotkey the ingredients into the craftbox, shift click the results. Boom, full inv of soup.)
And it is pvp there are supposed to have fights no matter how long, And in my opinion longer fights are More fun and intense. And that for me is what I like in pvp.
So basically, more soup to make fights last longer. But you have to craft it, yet you still don't have to go to the sign?

Better than just a stack of soups, since you actually have to take the time to craft it, but I sill am just as against this idea as I was the extra soup kit. It would just make fights last insanely long. Especially since crafting takes no longer than 3 seconds (Hotkey the ingredients into the craftbox, shift click the results. Boom, full inv of soup.)
Im not sure if you know how to soup craft very fast, cause what you just stated would make you lose the entire kit(only allowing you to recraft once because by hotkeying them into the crafting grid you loss the spots reserved for those items, making you drop them because you can't drop soups on happyhg.) Also not to mention this kit is something that is supposed to help your odds, being 2v1ed or even being kept away from the sign. And keep in mind recrafting the correct way will take some people awhile, which will lead to them dying while trying to craft the soup. Its something you actually need to learn to do instead of having extra soup prepared for use.