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Joining Build Team


New Member
I sent my application on August 14 and earlier today I got a friend request from someone and I don't know if that person is involved with the build team. Their status was invisible. Could someone please tell me who I should expect a Skype request from? Thank you.


I sent my application on August 14 and earlier today I got a friend request from someone and I don't know if that person is involved with the build team. Their status was invisible. Could someone please tell me who I should expect a Skype request from? Thank you.


Retired HHG Build Team Leader
I sent my application on August 14 and earlier today I got a friend request from someone and I don't know if that person is involved with the build team. Their status was invisible. Could someone please tell me who I should expect a Skype request from? Thank you.
That wasn't me. It'd say in the request something like 'I would like to contact you in relations to your HHGN build team application'


Trusted Member
You never know someone could just have gotten you mixed up with another name and sent the wrong request. Happens all the time to me.