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Jigsaw Parkours


Active Member
I was thinking that maybe in jigsaw, you can change the parkours from having lava floor to void floors that way, it reduces lag for some people. I was playing jigsaw today on my laptop and the lava prevented me from playing jigsaw because it was too laggy when I jumped on the level 11 parkour, I made it easily but these later parkour's, like levels 19 and 20 are so laggy I can't move and we couldn't play jigsaw anymore. I think other people are having troubles with this as well, I don't know for a fact but I was just wanting to say my idea.

Luckily, I am saving up my money to buy a new laptop so i can get rid of the laptop I own, so it will soon end for me but other players may experience this lag while playing jigsaw.
