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I'm Leaving


Trusted Member
Hey guys, Crammed here. You may know me as IMightBeEvan, PixelatedBread, or EDS121202, as SAFollis likes to call me occasionally lel (several others too). Well, I've been on this server for over a year and a half, maybe more, and I've had amazing experiences on here. I've made a lot of friends, and I would like to thank u all.
List: _Bach_ SAFollis Kaios iTut Mayonaizze _Link OGLucas Lowvex Azunex FlawLessHuman @horizohn @zeronite, and a whole ton of other people also, you know who you are if I didn't mention you. I will also most likely still be a member of REKT Build Team and build some maps with them (so look out for that) but other than that I am retiring from HHGN and minecraft mostly in general. Luv u guys, ur that best, evon out, pce <3 (lenny)


Trusted Member
Wait are u the evan who hates all my builds or is that another evan? is that avan? lel idek anymore