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Global Friend Plugin


Trusted Member
Hey Guys it's me Tbucs19Gaming and I think HHGN Should have a friend plugin so if you want to see where your friend is or you can tp to your friend at anytime if their online. Thx


Trusted Member
Sadly this won't happen :( This has been suggested many times but none of the times a friends plugin got added


Retired Staff
We had a friends plugin a couple months ago. It was removed as it was barely used and we do not have enough of a player size for it to be useful.
How many players r needed?
As of right now, we have an average of 120 players on at a time, that's not as many as we should have, nor is that enough to have a friend plugin. A friend plugin is used to see when your friends are online and to talk to them when they are.

To your question, I think when we gain 500 players on the server at a time on the average basis, I think that's when we would be able to implement it again :)


Retired Staff
As of right now, we have an average of 120 players on at a time, that's not as many as we should have, nor is that enough to have a friend plugin. A friend plugin is used to see when your friends are online and to talk to them when they are.

To your question, I think when we gain 500 players on the server at a time on the average basis, I think that's when we would be able to implement it again :)
I know you haven't been on that long but yes the week days can be a bit slow but when the weekends hit we average about 300 players sometimes 400-500. I think the server record is 530-ish
I know you haven't been on that long but yes the week days can be a bit slow but when the weekends hit we average about 300 players sometimes 400-500. I think the server record is 530-ish
Dang, that's pretty good.
Sorry for my false Information D':


Trusted Member
I know you haven't been on that long but yes the week days can be a bit slow but when the weekends hit we average about 300 players sometimes 400-500. I think the server record is 530-ish
I think 538 was the exact number