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Explanation Time


Retired Staff
Okay, as you guys may know a lot has happened in the past few days and/or weeks. I will break down your remaining questions to the best of my ability. This topic is mainly to restore order back into HHG.
This topic will be pretty long so carefully read it.
- Voting
I just finished speaking with Zainos about this, Zainos and MrAnnoyingCookie have been having discussions on this matter. MrAnnoyingCookie and Zainos recently made their final choice about voting. Zainos has gave me full permission to say this:
Zainos said:
we decided to, at the end of the month, to give MOCKINGJAY RANK to all TOP 10 VOTERS
If you have any questions regarding this mail me. I will try to answer them to the best of my ability.
- Staff
Zainos is already on this subject. Once he's done with school he will be working on this.
- Zainos
Okay, as you all know Zainos is busy with school and other things I will not say without his consent. But yes, Zainos is alive and he is aware of all the issues happening.
- Rule breakers
I am trying my hardest to get all staff up and working. I know it may not be easy as most staff are extremely busy with school but, I will try my hardest to get more staff moderating both in-game and forums

This is all I could think of.. If you have anymore appropriate questions post them below, I will answer them to the best of my ability.

For more explanation go to http://www.happy-hg.com

This topic will be edited as time goes on with more updates


Retired Staff
//Auora\\ said:
Why is staff so inactive? Why is Zainos sitting on his butt doing nothing?
The beginning/middle of the school year is normally when exams come and when exams come that means a lot of studying and a lot of homework. I cannot really force them on when they can't log on for personal reasons. I already explained Zainos' situation, he has a lot of school work along with issues I will not say without his consent.

Seth6577 said:
do you have any idea when the banner winners will be noted :D
I presume that would be when Zainos is done with his school year. I do not know when that is though..