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Fixed Deathmatch Glitch


Active Member
My IGN: Fr3nch_Cat
Discovered this last week, I think
Sometimes, there is one player who is not teleported to deathmatch. So far, I've only seen this happen on Avaricia, I believe, because they were stuck on a horse, and Breeze Island, but I'm not sure how they glitched.
It's located in SG and only a few maps that I know of right now.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Yeah, it's because someone's riding a boat or horse. This will be fixed soon, Sorry :(


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
make the plugin do the command kill @e[type=EntityHorse] and kill @e[type=MinecartRideable] constantly?
We know how to code, don't worry ;) Plus that's not needed, it would just cause lot of unnecessary lag