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Creative Customization Menu and Server guide


I would like to suggest that receiving the "Creative Server Guide" become a toggleable option in the Customization menu (the nether star). I personally never read the book except maybe the first time I logged on, if even then. Rather than throwing it out, or accumulating a stack of them, I would like to be able to toggle whether or not I receive one. Perhaps you could also add the option to get the guide in that same button or toggle, so that if players have it toggled off, they can still get one if they want one.
Rather than giving the player the book, in the customization menu, add an option to open the book, which would allow the player to read the book without having an extra item

Regarding the customization menu, I would like if it did not replace the item in my hotbar. Quite often I am building and then leave to go to an event or different gamemode. When I come back, I find that the block I had been using is replaced by the nether star. I would like to see this changed so it does one of two things. I would like it so that the item from your hotbar is transferred into your inventory, so you can just swap them; or I would like it so if your hotbar is full, the nether star goes into your inventory.


Well-Known Member
Sounds reasonable, pretty much all pros with no cons. minus the coding and such, it would be a good improvement to creative.