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Parkour Cool rank idea :)


New Member
I was thinking that it would be cool if there was a rank for doing all the non rank parkours that would give you some ranked parkours cause i've done all the non rank parkours and i would love if could do some more but i can't cause i don't have much money but ya just thought it would be a cool idea :)


Trusted Member
I was thinking that it would be cool if there was a rank for doing all the non rank parkours that would give you some ranked parkours cause i've done all the non rank parkours and i would love if could do some more but i can't cause i don't have much money but ya just thought it would be a cool idea :)
So basically a free rank that would usually cost money just on parkour? Horrible idea.


Active Member
Your idea does not seem to convince many players.
It is NOT a bad idea, but I think it needs to modification to it.

So your main problem is that there are not much parkour stages for regular players. What can happen is maybe players that have been on the server for a long time can get gifted a special rank in honourable of their royalty to the server. That rank can unlock special NON donator parkour stages untitled to only for those with the rank. Since it is a honourable rank to get, not even donators will be able to access those parkour stages as a 'perk', unless they receive the rank, obviously.

I have also prepared a second simple idea, in case some people didn't like the first adjustment to the thread owner's idea. It is very simple, we can convince the build team to make new parkour levels. Let's hope for it.
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Well-Known Member
This is just stupid, you're basicly saying that you want Zainos to adapt the parkour server, use up all his time, when this isn't even needed, and this is also copying other parkour servers, this is actually a really bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Nope. First of, the parkour has ranks for a reason. Ranks give perks. The perks happen to be more parkour stages. If your really "dedicated" to the server, then buy a rank. "But I dont have money!" You might complain. Well then! there is a lovely thing called voting. If you really want to commit, Then vote everyday! "But I dont have time for that!" You might protest. Well! With the vote coins you have, you could by VIP rank! which gives you plenty more parkours. "What if i dont have enough time to get those votes?" They stack on to eachother! "What if i dont want to vote?" Then guess what? your not dedicated to the server :]

Also: Dont name the thread "cool Rank idea" Please. This is implying that this is a holy idea desended from the server gods themselves. It might also suggest that this idea has to be added. Instead! you could name it the following: "Parkour Rank Idea" New Rank For Parkour" "Parkour rank"


Active Member
I honestly don't see what you all are getting worked up about. I like the idea tbh. If you do all of the non-donator parkours, then I think you should get AT LEAST 1-4 new ones. Otherwise, what's the point? I mean, you are obviously dedicated if you beat them all, I agree with the idea.

EDIT: I don't support the idea of a rank, but I support unlocking a few extra parkours.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't see what you all are getting worked up about. I like the idea tbh. If you do all of the non-donator parkours, then I think you should get AT LEAST 1-4 new ones. Otherwise, what's the point? I mean, you are obviously dedicated if you beat them all, I agree with the idea.

EDIT: I don't support the idea of a rank, but I support unlocking a few extra parkours.
This would be better.


Active Member
More on the subject of ranks and perks, I'm not sure if all the perks are a good idea. With more stuff that anyone can use, the server would attract more people, resulting in more donors. There should definitely be some things that you can unlock without donating.