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Fixed Clone Glitch


Active Member
I found myself today. Quite literally. I was walking around the hub. I then decided to look at the pets, so I pulled out the bone. After I quit my bone screen, I found what appeared to be some sort of glitch, where, my skin was wandering around, (with my nametag mind you) and he appeared to be doing things I had done previously. (Although I do not know foreshore.) My theory is that the server had some sort of bug where it lagged. But I don't really know. This is the first time it happened, and know one mentioned it, so I don't know if anyone could see it also.

Other bugs,
-the Super Craft Bros. servers keeping getting bugged.
-Sometimes the SG servers will get bugged and will never start the counter.


Retired Staff
It might be a player in disguise...

-For SCBB, is it the games..?
-and for SG tell a staff member.., they'll do /sg reload to repair it


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Lul remember that jr.mods can disguise as players, it seems it happened that :D
About Scb and Sg, we are concerned about those bugs and we are working hardly on them, they will be fixed soon :D


Active Member
I didn't know jr. mods could do that. That probably was it.

It happened again yesterday. I was in Jigsaw puzzle, and the girl in front of me got cloned to.