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Fixed Buying Multiple Packs


Retired Staff
  • In Game Name: theflame77
  • When did you discover this Bug: 5/14/17 4:30 pm EST
  • Explain what is the bug and how you repeat it: The first issue is, if you buy multiple common chests packs at once, it only rewards you with 5. I did make sure to hit the refresh button on the shopping cart and it has charged my paypal the $11.97 for the three 5 packs. So I was charged $11.97 for 5 common chests.
  • My second issue is with the legendary treasure hunter packs. I assumed the items it gave would be catagorized under the "Legendary" category by treasure hunter, but the rewards I got were far from that. The best thing being a horse spawner, but I recieved several "Uncommon" and other rather useless items. If this is going to be the case, please at least make a list of possible items you can receive from the legendary treasure, as to not mislead people. This is absolutely not worth the $20 spent on it.
  • In which server is the bug located? Skyblock
Shopping Cart: https://gyazo.com/3c60cafff90f2170a858c25c2dfa459f
5 Common Chests: https://gyazo.com/a5a92376526c1c13825f5686888e43f4

5 Legendary Chest Content:


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Apologies for the inconvenience! I have now fixed the bug and given you 20 common treasures (10 extra) as an apology for the inconveniences this may have caused. Furthermore, as it says in the explanation item, "Rarer Treasures contain much more and upgraded loot!", so this means you have way higher chances of getting more and legendary loot from a legendary chest, but it doesn't 100% guarantees it.