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Fixed Burrower Class Bug


Well-Known Member
In Game Name: Majorconnor10
When do you discovered this Bug: 12/6/2015
Explain what is the bug and how you repeat it: With the burrower class's special ability, to hide in a "Panic Room", when it doesn't have room above your head, it doesn't allow you to hide, but it uses the ability and you can't use it for another 60 seconds. It's like you used it, but you didn't. I feel it is unfair to the people who use this class because they have to wait for the cooldown to take place to use the ability again.
In which server is the bug located? Kit PVP

It says you used it but it didn't successfully work because there wasn't enough room.
Probably make it so that if you don't have room above you're head, make it so you can use it somewhere it will work and not have to wait for the cooldown.

I don't know if it is supposed to restart the cooldown or if it is a bug.


New Member
Tbh, I dont even use that kit anyways because its not very good xD, Why am I even here.