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Fixed Anti-cheat bug


  • In Game Name: AgentP
  • When did you discover this Bug: Around Feb 5
  • Explain what is the bug and how you repeat it: when climbing waterfall, someone hit me with a punch bow and I got kicked for "moving too fast"
  • In which server is the bug located? Skywars


Retired Staff
  • IGN: LaStella
  • When did you discover this bug: February 7th
  • Explain: I was standing on a stack of TNT, lit it, blew up and got kicked from server. I received the attached message...
  • In which server is the bug located? Skywars


  • IMG_1736.JPG
    118.2 KB · Views: 329


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
As I already told both of you in-game, we failed to reproduce both bugs. Therefore, I will kindly ask you to please if this happens again to record how you reproduce the bug and post the video here so I can check it out and fix it. Thanks!


I've had some glitching when trying to jump up on the anvils on the upper deck of the castle in Castle Square. It happens almost every time I am on the map and am up on the center castle. The last time I played it I also got kicked.
Screen Shot 2017-04-02 at 11.04.11 PM.png


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
That's the anti cheat, could you please record the false positive so I can check it out and fix it?