
  1. Z

    Lyfe Is So Hard [Kinda need a bit of help]

    This is quite of a long story but.. Here's the story as short as possible...: I honestly have no idea what happened, but since like a week ago, I've been feeling "sad", I never smile/laugh anymore unless someone is being very funny, but then I put on a serious face asap, which is very weird...
  2. AppleGlacier

    This is so true it's sad...

    This describes life perfectly.
  3. Guardian_Echo

    Goodbye (Quitting MC)

    I havent played Minecraft in a while but i would like to say one last goodbye to my favorite server. I may come back a few times if i get bored out of my mind but minecraft just isnt as fun as it used to be. I find it as just a waste of time. Although i will be quitting MC that does not mean im...
  4. I

    Fixed Hitman Stats Reset

    HI ! I'm iStalk I recently started playing Hitman, quite enjoyed it. But all suddenly, while i was playing with Ex86, I noticed i didn't have Pyro kit anymore. I did /stats and it completely got wiped. I was number 16 on the leaderboard. All my stats are 0 again. I really want to know what...