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  1. Farting_Hamster

    New kit idea in kit pvp!

    name: Time Bomb weapons: iron sword and something else that's quite a surprise cost: 36 kills armor: full suit of red leather armor and a TNT block on its head other: it has a button in its inventory that when you left click on it, you kill everyone around you with TNT (it's kind of a...
  2. Farting_Hamster

    Fixed MAJOR GLITCH ON CREATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Iv found a way to recreate the sand cannon!!!!! (I have not used it on anything OTHER than my plot btw) If you place dispensers on the sides but not covering the source block hook those dispensers up with redstone repeaters and make a line of redstone behind the repeaters and on the row of the...
  3. Farting_Hamster

    World's Best Invention......
  4. Farting_Hamster

    Fixed Glitch with KOTL

    I found a glitch that if you go into KOTL and log when your ON the ladder, and you log back in, you get your compass. You could go to the hub and mess around with the stuff you got like bows and potions. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope it's fixed soon!!!! me :arrow: :ugeek: