Recent content by Kristian

  1. Kristian

    What have I missed... did Panem win against district 13?

    What have I missed... did Panem win against district 13?
  2. Kristian

    Dungeon Parkour - The 10 Minute Challenge

    I can't even finish Dungeon 1 without dying like 5 times.
  3. Kristian

    Prediction Game

    This is his alt account. Next person is happy.
  4. Kristian

    League of Legends / GaiaOnline

    Of course! Just send me a private message :)
  5. Kristian

    Prediction Game

    False Next person doesn't like swimming
  6. Kristian

    Global View Online Builders

    I don't see the point of having /builder command, to be honest. Why not just private message them if you see them online? I'm pretty sure they'll give you advice. Am I right __Joni :D
  7. Kristian

    Prediction Game

    False Next person likes Chicken
  8. Kristian

    Sorry but you can't beat trenly loool

    Sorry but you can't beat trenly loool
  9. Kristian

    Prediction Game

    True Next person doesn't like children
  10. Kristian

    Prediction Game

    False (I love school duh) Next person loves dancing.
  11. Kristian

    Happy birthday _Georgie_, long time no see D:

    Happy birthday _Georgie_, long time no see D:
  12. Kristian

    Cubix Constructions (Build Team)

    Interesting, I hope your build team goes well. :D
  13. Kristian

    Fixed Not able to join full servers.

    Yeah, I did. This is not the first time though.
  14. Kristian

    Fixed Not able to join full servers.

    Not sure exactly if it's a bug or not. Says I can't enter the server because it's full. And it also says that I have to purchase a rank to be able to join full servers, even though I'm a Mockingjay. (Mod+ are welcome to remove this thread if you don't find it necessary) In Game Name: KristianM...
  15. Kristian

    Kit PvP kit cool down

    I like it as it is.