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Well-Known Member
Does happy has a chance of being blacklisted as its breaking one of the EULA rules?


Retired Staff
That's Like saying you would need to be a donor to play A certain Gamemode or have access to something that's publicly released.
(basically free players would have no access, while donors did, which is against EULA).
All Players Have access to All Gamemodes, Donor's Only get certain perks for a better experience in those Gamemodes.
HHG Hasn't violated the EULA.


Well-Known Member
That's Like saying you would need to be a donor to play A certain Gamemode or have access to something that's publicly released.
(basically free players would have no access, while donors did, which is against EULA).
All Players Have access to All Gamemodes, Donor's Only get certain perks for a better experience in those Gamemodes.
HHG Hasn't violated the EULA.

They don't only get perks they also get kits and stuff which is pay2win


Retired Staff
They don't only get perks they also get kits and stuff which is pay2win

You Have A poor understanding of Pay2Win

Pay2Win means that Donors Would have 100% Advantage in beating players that don't have access to that sort of equipment.
There is no server on HHG that is pay2win, because no Kit or item gives a Paid player 100% Advantage over non-donors.
Donors Die All The Time on servers like Kitpvp, Hitman, and Skywars. Kit's only boost players slightly, because Minecraft is a game of skill, strategy, and Timing, There are many non-donor players on leaderboards.


Well-Known Member
Kits and gamemode are different things
And if it's pay to win how is joshuacc top 5 in sg? Hes never spent any money


Retired Staff
Is it just me or if you really thought that the server was in some sort of danger of being blacklisted or breaking a rule, wouldn't you PM Zainos with your "concerns" instead of putting it on blast? Where is the loyalty


Trusted Member
Didn't the same thing happen like a year ago...?
How everyone was scared that there would be no ranks or anything, cut to nothing happening


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
Since it clearly seems many people has been wrongly informed and is spreading misleading information regarding this case, let me tell you all that Happy-HG has currently no problems with Mojang and its EULA and if we ever decide to change any of our systems, we will previously announce it. And no, we won't close nor be blacklisted so don't panic about it. Just seat, and enjoy Happy-Hg :cool:

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