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Global Mockingjays Can Choose Their Color


Trusted Member
Like I want the gold color from sponsor back xD
Sooo I suggested this. It might help because some mockingjays like certain colors better than the default mockingjay.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea but some users on the server could get confused about why mocking jays have different colours, they could think it would have to do on if lets say you have a higher mocking jay rank then someone else with a mocking jay rank. I hope I didn't make this sound confusing...


Well-Known Member
I also think its fine the way it is. I think of the colours for the perk like a group, whatever colour you are its your group. Also like what Gaby said it will be confusing to players because they won't know if the colour means a higher rank plus there is more work for Zainos to do which would kind of suck tbh, so I think that the mockingjay colour should stay how it is.