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Fixed Zain plz help i cant do any of the sponser kits


so i logged on today and i have not been on in ages because i took a mc break and i knew it was a hub but sadly i come back and NONE of the commands work like /fly /d /feed even /afk so i am pissed really pissed because i came back and cptcreeper has told me that my vip mansion isnt mine anymore and i want it back and i had so much **** in that mansion and i cant get to it plz help me zain ive been on the server since ther could only be 20 people and i have spent 20 dallors on your server for my enjoyment and i ask that you zain could help plz if you cant then i have no reason to keep playing on the server if i cant have my stuff it may be harsh but i cant find a need if i have to restart everything plz zainos and thanks if can help me with it
