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Would You Rather


Trusted Member
Twitch.. Twitter's for noobs.. Also on some servers there is a twitch rank.. idk y i would need it, but still

Would u rather be Dinnerbone or Grumm


Trusted Member
get bad things constantly
would you rather sleep in a house with jason or live with a robber in a 4 story mansion


Active Member
Sleep in a house with Jason (Who is that xD)

Would you rather get to island level 1k or get 1k kills in PvP
Jason is the psychopath in a hockey mask, he's the one that kills people with machetes? He's in horror films.
Your question was already answered, so:

Stung forever by bees or bitten forever by spiders?


Trusted Member
Would you rather have food poisoning in all the foods you eat but not get killed or eat the most disgusting thing you hate every day for your life