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Who's the most tryhard player you know?


Active Member
So... who's the most tryhard player you know?
What game do they tryhard at?
How good are they?
Are they annoying?

Leave an answer <3


Trusted Member
I'm not pointing anyone out but there are a lot of try hards on this server. Some are annoying but this one guys sticks out in particular, it's that scrub EPICMATT88 he needs to just stop, it is cancer.


Retired Staff
Ok so not a lot of people know this but you know that one ked scrub sweat buckets tryhard on pvp that thinks hes good but is really complete trash on pvp? I think his name is MineJam? Yeah hes a little tryhard at pvp, he thinks hes good because he has an ez 3.2 kdr. But in reality he's fishy at pvp and I think he hacks.