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What Would You Do.......?


Active Member
What if computers didn't exists........what major impacts do you think the world would've encounter. The whole world is all about Computers, social media, Phones, Etc. How would your life change. What would you do.
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Trusted Member
Isn't this just today? Lol. Well I'd do everything the same. No social media, Minecraft 4 life... yeah


Trusted Member
Well, I did have no phone, no computer, etc for 2 weeks and I was just fine. Honestly, this generation needs a break from social media and online services.
I barely use my phone - not in school and not at home. I'm just fine without it.
I use my computer in school, it's a school computer so ye. At home - I'd be fine without it, really. I'd read books or something.


Trusted Member
I barely use my phone - not in school and not at home. I'm just fine without it.
I use my computer in school, it's a school computer so ye. At home - I'd be fine without it, really. I'd read books or something.
Computers r lyfe.
I usually forget I even have a phone xD


Retired Staff
I would keep wrestling. I do fine. Although I like to listen to music to get me pumped before a match