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Global What Do You Want?


Well-Known Member
As a build team our main goal is to build for the server. But something that i dont know, is what the community wants built. So i decide to start this cause i want to know what builds you guys want? do you mainly want more parkours? Mabye improved lobbys? And before you go spamming chat with #FACTIONSFIRST , That is the main project and this is more of just to know what you, the HHG community wants. If you want something post it down below. Just say more parkours, or better skywars lobby, or better yet, post what theme you think would be good. City skywars lobby, Xrun Parkour, Just post it down below so me and the buildteam can know.


Trusted Member
I want new arenas to kit pvp and the 1v1 arenas you can go out of them so maybe set some Barrie's. And maybe a new spawn area for kit pvp still in the air just new thankz


Trusted Member
The current 1v1 arenas should be replaced with new ones, that still goes with the theme. However new pvp maps <3 <3


Retired Staff
Well in my opinion

-- Kitpvp needs 2 new maps.
Also people have asked for more space in the current 1v1 kitpvp arenas.

-- Parkour could use a few more maps open to the public. (2-4 Realistically)

Dreams, (a boy and girls bedroom, toys, etc.)

Desert (Its hot, im thirsty.., old rope bridge over an abyss :eek: , oasis)

Natural Disaters (parkouring up a tornado into a storm cloud which leads to a hurricane :eek:)

Animal (ANIMALS!!! XD lol)

Psychic (whats it like parkouring across a humans mind in a land of question? :eek:)

-- We Don't need Any new hitman maps, SCBB arenas or Hubs for a long time XD

-- Skyblock needs a new spawn, should be a easy first priority while you think and go big on the other 2 ideas. ^

Thats all i got for now ;)


Retired Staff
We Don't need Any new SCBB arenas
Well... You're sort of right in that, this is what I feel anyway. While scbb does not need any new maps, it could do with some being replaced. The maps skyvillage, medieval and nuclearwinter really do need replacing as in truth they are more mini sg maps than scbb maps, and are really not very good to play on. If I could build I would have made some a while ago, but since I cant, you know what.