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Weird Suggestion. ZAINOS! TALK TO 200315844


I have gotten temp-banned from this server twice by 200315844 because of stupid reasons which I will explain in this post. I have been told by MANY others that the same has happened to them. He is more strict then my MOM. I really believe Zainos should punish him or have a serious talk with this Pick Moderator.

1st Time I got banned:

I killed a full diamond god guy at spawn (Not Naming), and 200315844 told me not to spawn kill, and thats when I said "I WONT DO IT AGAIN" In CAPS, where he tempbans me for 24hrs.

All I have to say is...Wow.
I was answering your question.

2nd Time I got banned:

I was raiding TURBOCHARGE32'S faction base. Then TURBO logged in and I started killing him. He logged out...and in...and out...(This is not a player report IDRC). This kept happening, and I proceeded to do more damage every time he logged on. 200315844 was helping me disguising as me to distract him when he logged on. I eventually killed TURBO, and 200315844 said I should give most of his stuff back. So I gave most of the stuff (Excluding armor) Back to him, being a good Samaritan! 200315844 and TURBO then asked me to leave their base. I had a home set here already, so I left knowing I could come back if I needed too. Then about 5 Minutes later I see tiernan saying he would go to his base. I tele-port back to their base knowing tiernan is god, and I wanted his stuff! I start attacking him being cut off with a message! ----------------


BY 200315844




Well-Known Member
I AGREE with you, also everybody in faction spawn kills, tpa kills, scams, swear, and uses caps and when you say something for the first time you get banned right away, which i find totally unfair they should aleast let the person explain on why they did it, Turbo wanted me to kill joethebowl when this was happening and I tpad to him and he was at his base I turned left and i turned right to look what turbo what doing and I saw 2003 and killed him and apprently I tpa killed when I had no clue that he tpa him and how long and he didnt give me a chance to explain so I tried to contact him by another place like skype but he had told joethebowl that it broke. I don't know how skype breaks but I think he mean't his mic did or if he could unban me for aleast a minute so i could explain, but he did later. But my point is give the person a chance and don't pick favourites.


Well-Known Member
I think 2003 should be returned to Jr. Mod, it's obvious he is WAY too stressed being mod, and is unable to think clearly, probably since mods are pressured ALOT ever since Epic's case.

He banned me with insufficient evidence for two weeks, here's the report, and dispute:



Honestly, this is madness, EVEN ZAINOS gives you a chance to explain, and 2003 is just banning when he sees it a "legit cause", plus, spawn killing is REPEATEDLY killing someone on their spawn, plus, from what I've read, he ASSISTED a spawn kill, so he broke the rules as a mod. ;)

To 2003: You need to calm down, and give people a chance to explain, you also need to review the evidence thoroughly before banning someone in a report. Sometimes, someone's word isn't true, and thus you make a HUGE mistake by fulfilling their intentions, you're being way too strict, and you're making everyone mad at you, like Zainos did when he behaved similarly. :|

I think that maybe you're not ready for Mod yet, and that instead of being banned and loosing your rank completely, you should be returned to Jr. Mod.


New Member
I agree with everything you have said. I was in creative world doing a skin comp. Every now and then people do skin comps and use caps to grab attention. So, I thought, well, they haven't been banned, so why can't I do it. There was already a mod on who didn't give a crap that I was using caps and he told me it was fine. 2003 told me not to do it again. Now with them both being mods I didn't know who to listen to and I did it again. 2003 said "brb" and was gone for about 30 secs and he said "I'm back" and then I got the you have been banned screen.

Maybe it was only a one day ban, but that one day I had a snow day so I was off from school and I had nothing to do so thank to 2003 I had nothing to do all day until 3:02. Just today on factions as you would expect, people were using CAPS and of course 2003 just happens to log on at the exact same time and he doesn't even warn them and he just goes right out and bans them.

Bottom line is that 2003 has been abusing his mod powers and the first time he sees somebody doing something wrong he bans them because he can. Give them time to explain before you ban them 2003. It's sad that the majority of bans on the server are from you and people are tired of you now. If you hadn't abused your powers, none of this would have happened. You had this coming for you and you knew it too! Time to face reality, suck it up, stop abusing your powers, and maybe you should get banned for a week or two to see what it feels like.



Trusted Member
I'm sorry guys i was having a bad week and some in school and life and general. Next time im having a bad day i will rember this post. :)


Trusted Member
TwistedBulldog said:
I agree with everything you have said. I was in creative world doing a skin comp. Every now and then people do skin comps and use caps to grab attention. So, I thought, well, they haven't been banned, so why can't I do it. There was already a mod on who didn't give a crap that I was using caps and he told me it was fine. 2003 told me not to do it again. Now with them both being mods I didn't know who to listen to and I did it again. 2003 said "brb" and was gone for about 30 secs and he said "I'm back" and then I got the you have been banned screen.

Maybe it was only a one day ban, but that one day I had a snow day so I was off from school and I had nothing to do so thank to 2003 I had nothing to do all day until 3:02. Just today on factions as you would expect, people were using CAPS and of course 2003 just happens to log on at the exact same time and he doesn't even warn them and he just goes right out and bans them.

Bottom line is that 2003 has been abusing his mod powers and the first time he sees somebody doing something wrong he bans them because he can. Give them time to explain before you ban them 2003. It's sad that the majority of bans on the server are from you and people are tired of you now. If you hadn't abused your powers, none of this would have happened. You had this coming for you and you knew it too! Time to face reality, suck it up, stop abusing your powers, and maybe you should get banned for a week or two to see what it feels like.

Btw i do warn people. I say caps (username) then kick them. But since this is a hub server it tps you to /server hub for some reason? :|