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WARNING: Triggtastic - My Opinions On Certain Subjects


Retired Staff
Alright, let me start it off with this quick little reminder. I know this topic will be very triggering and/or controversial, but I’m expecting that most people can handle it, k? Everyone can state their opinion as they please, and have all the rights to do so, confined within the rules of course. Anyways, here it is.

P.S. : I made them nice little spoilers, so you don't get so triggered all at once :D

P.P.S. : You can hopefully get the essential information on the last paragraphs of each topic... hopefully xD

P.P.P.S. : Sorry for writing so much. Today has been pretty crazy and I'm feeling like saying something rather than watching this go on any longer. If this impacts nothing and all this keeps continuing, oh well, at least I did something, or let my opinion out.

Extra P.P.P.S. : It's opinionated ;) ;) ;) <3 <3 <3 ;) ;) ;)

So, all I’m seeing on the forums now is either controversial topics, talks about old players, how HHG is changing, etc, etc. Everyone seems a bit mopey. Yeah, everyone has a right to that. But see, the thing is, I don’t really get some of these topics, where people stand about said topics, or why everyone feels the need to jump on the Salty Train every time something is said that maybe not everyone takes too well.

Firstly, I’ve got to admit, I too have jumped aboard the Salty Train. The reason I’m calling it that is simply because everyone that seems to follow such a Train seems to get butthurt over everything, or sometimes even trying to seem better than others, or just complain in general. Now again, that’s totally fine, it is the forums and as long as we stick to the rules, we can discuss how we please, when we please.

At the same time, it can get quite frustrating seeing topics such as, “HHG is changing”, “HHG isn’t the same”, “Too many people are leaving HHG”, “I miss the 2k15 HHG”. Again, I have to admit, I’ve made a post about how HHG is changing, but instead of just saying it sucks, or is sad, I explained that to prevent some of this, we should just become better people. Obviously, this isn’t an easy thing to do, but we are all capable, honestly, we all are…

Now, with this Train come out many players that just watch the forums, see what’s up, you know, the people that rarely give their opinion unless it is a topic they truly feel. There are tons of them. Because of this new influx of different opinions, many conflicts become of it. A lot of the comments become a word war. And these word wars get off topic, and then the post gets locked, and then you look back at the original post and realize, the original poster was talking about french fries, meanwhile people were fighting for four pages about Fry_Guy27 who left the server a few weeks ago! It’s disgusting!

More people yet, the “Forums Veterans” specifically, seem to become animals in such a state. A lot of us are attacking our own. I’ve seen people who I thought were friends go against each other for something as simple as how one felt about someone leaving vs. the others opinion. It’s honestly mad. Why do we have to do this? We can’t just all stick together, tell our feelings in one simple thread, get it done and over with, and instead of calling someone out on some opinion of someone leaving, and just let the thread die. Why not keep the names of these people good? Like the “Old Players” thread. That was a fairly neat idea. One thread for the opinions of a majority of people on any person they choose to.

Like, just be nice…

Psh, k m8. Get outta ‘ere.

No, but honestly, get out. (Jk babes <3)

Starting off, we have the butthurt comment of the day, “The community is so toxic.” Yeah, most of us have done it, if not making a post, or comment, or even a cheeky profile post about it, we’ve at least probably thought about it. I mean I’ve done it. It was within the same post about my whole HHG is changing spiel…

So basically what I’m saying is, screw the filter, I’m gonna be straight out honest. I don’t care if the community is toxic. So what? Yeah, someone made fun of you in game, or irl. So what! Obviously you are thinking, WHOA WHOA WHOA T3A! WHAT ABOUT DEPRESSION OR SUICIDE?! I mean, are you crazy? Obviously if it’s taken too far, then it’s not good. It’s never good.

I’m saying this, if you haven’t been told by your parents in some fashion to “just shake it off”, then idk what to say, but this is how I feel you should act with comments like these, or rudeness, for a broader term. The definition I’ve made for “Shake it off” on the internet is this, If you sit there at night and think about what this person said, and you wake up, go to school, maybe even get out of school, and you are still thinking about what that person had said to you, then it may be important to tell someone. If you really don’t think you can live hearing what that person said, tell someone.

But, but but but, ...butt. If someone called you a turd in creative because you accidentally ruined their role play, and you just CAN’T handle that horrifying word, if you think that will scar you for life, just realize, it probably won’t. I know, there are always some cases, but really, look at what they said to you. A turd. Would you die from being pelted by turds? Probably not, unless they ate something really bad, or didn’t drink much water, or maybe if they shot it out of a cannon?

Anyways, cheer up, there is always someone nice out there. No really, people get paid to be nice to random people, no matter how rude. Others have found a nice way to say things, some, not so much. And think of this, if that person called you a turd, imagine what they have been called… a turdhead! Omg gonna go cry now, peace.

(No but really, if you call me a turdhead I’m gonna have to call my dog on you ;-; )

This one will be shorter, promise.


(Double JK)

(K just get to it please...)

Alright, fine. Let's start it then. So, HHG is toxic? Look at every community ever. Old, New, Dying, Striving. Find one where everyone is nice, where everyone is so good, no one has ever been banned, etc etc. You aren't going to find one.

"Oh that's too perfect, we just want a nicer community..." Ok, go fix it. Wait, you can't though, can you? Really, where do you start? They say the best way to fix others rude 'tude, is to fix your own. Who says that? Idk, me I guess, look it up maybe? Google's a pretty good source. Anyways, you aren't going to be able to do this alone, nor with every single person in HHG on your side, it won't happen. Even if we could get everyone to work together, people slip up. It happens to everyone and you nor them themselves can stop that. Just try to fix yourself, and give people a chance or two, or if you can't do that, just leave them be. Who cares if they spam you? Forget them. Make yourself the best you can, and do what you can. Overall, just enjoy the ride, hopefully it will be a long one...


Trusted Member
TL: DR, but just because of the spoiler titles, I know what you mean. Tysm for posting this

EDIT: stupid smiley face not letting me do tl : dr
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Trusted Member
Yaaaaaaas, people needa grow thicker skin. But i think people Challenege other peoples ideas so much, is because its so easy to. I mean really, all you have to do is sit behind a screen and type. No real confrontation neccessary.
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Retired Staff
All these opinions are recycled and re-used, Can we just throw these threads away already. Time to move on to a new brand ;)
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The message I was conveying was not to grow thicker skin rather to think about if it really matters. I'm not trying to be rude just telling people how I feel, but if you feel this way then can you tell me what exactly is old/reused?

Oh and I don't think anyone has ever called it the Salty Train <3


Well-Known Member
Alright, let me start it off with this quick little reminder. I know this topic will be very triggering and/or controversial, but I’m expecting that most people can handle it, k? Everyone can state their opinion as they please, and have all the rights to do so, confined within the rules of course. Anyways, here it is.

P.S. : I made them nice little spoilers, so you don't get so triggered all at once :D

P.P.S. : You can hopefully get the essential information on the last paragraphs of each topic... hopefully xD

P.P.P.S. : Sorry for writing so much. Today has been pretty crazy and I'm feeling like saying something rather than watching this go on any longer. If this impacts nothing and all this keeps continuing, oh well, at least I did something, or let my opinion out.

Extra P.P.P.S. : It's opinionated ;) ;) ;) <3 <3 <3 ;) ;) ;)

So, all I’m seeing on the forums now is either controversial topics, talks about old players, how HHG is changing, etc, etc. Everyone seems a bit mopey. Yeah, everyone has a right to that. But see, the thing is, I don’t really get some of these topics, where people stand about said topics, or why everyone feels the need to jump on the Salty Train every time something is said that maybe not everyone takes too well.

Firstly, I’ve got to admit, I too have jumped aboard the Salty Train. The reason I’m calling it that is simply because everyone that seems to follow such a Train seems to get butthurt over everything, or sometimes even trying to seem better than others, or just complain in general. Now again, that’s totally fine, it is the forums and as long as we stick to the rules, we can discuss how we please, when we please.

At the same time, it can get quite frustrating seeing topics such as, “HHG is changing”, “HHG isn’t the same”, “Too many people are leaving HHG”, “I miss the 2k15 HHG”. Again, I have to admit, I’ve made a post about how HHG is changing, but instead of just saying it sucks, or is sad, I explained that to prevent some of this, we should just become better people. Obviously, this isn’t an easy thing to do, but we are all capable, honestly, we all are…

Now, with this Train come out many players that just watch the forums, see what’s up, you know, the people that rarely give their opinion unless it is a topic they truly feel. There are tons of them. Because of this new influx of different opinions, many conflicts become of it. A lot of the comments become a word war. And these word wars get off topic, and then the post gets locked, and then you look back at the original post and realize, the original poster was talking about french fries, meanwhile people were fighting for four pages about Fry_Guy27 who left the server a few weeks ago! It’s disgusting!

More people yet, the “Forums Veterans” specifically, seem to become animals in such a state. A lot of us are attacking our own. I’ve seen people who I thought were friends go against each other for something as simple as how one felt about someone leaving vs. the others opinion. It’s honestly mad. Why do we have to do this? We can’t just all stick together, tell our feelings in one simple thread, get it done and over with, and instead of calling someone out on some opinion of someone leaving, and just let the thread die. Why not keep the names of these people good? Like the “Old Players” thread. That was a fairly neat idea. One thread for the opinions of a majority of people on any person they choose to.

Like, just be nice…

Psh, k m8. Get outta ‘ere.

No, but honestly, get out. (Jk babes <3)

Starting off, we have the butthurt comment of the day, “The community is so toxic.” Yeah, most of us have done it, if not making a post, or comment, or even a cheeky profile post about it, we’ve at least probably thought about it. I mean I’ve done it. It was within the same post about my whole HHG is changing spiel…

So basically what I’m saying is, screw the filter, I’m gonna be straight out honest. I don’t care if the community is toxic. So what? Yeah, someone made fun of you in game, or irl. So what! Obviously you are thinking, WHOA WHOA WHOA T3A! WHAT ABOUT DEPRESSION OR SUICIDE?! I mean, are you crazy? Obviously if it’s taken too far, then it’s not good. It’s never good.

I’m saying this, if you haven’t been told by your parents in some fashion to “just shake it off”, then idk what to say, but this is how I feel you should act with comments like these, or rudeness, for a broader term. The definition I’ve made for “Shake it off” on the internet is this, If you sit there at night and think about what this person said, and you wake up, go to school, maybe even get out of school, and you are still thinking about what that person had said to you, then it may be important to tell someone. If you really don’t think you can live hearing what that person said, tell someone.

But, but but but, ...butt. If someone called you a turd in creative because you accidentally ruined their role play, and you just CAN’T handle that horrifying word, if you think that will scar you for life, just realize, it probably won’t. I know, there are always some cases, but really, look at what they said to you. A turd. Would you die from being pelted by turds? Probably not, unless they ate something really bad, or didn’t drink much water, or maybe if they shot it out of a cannon?

Anyways, cheer up, there is always someone nice out there. No really, people get paid to be nice to random people, no matter how rude. Others have found a nice way to say things, some, not so much. And think of this, if that person called you a turd, imagine what they have been called… a turdhead! Omg gonna go cry now, peace.

(No but really, if you call me a turdhead I’m gonna have to call my dog on you ;-; )

This one will be shorter, promise.


(Double JK)

(K just get to it please...)

Alright, fine. Let's start it then. So, HHG is toxic? Look at every community ever. Old, New, Dying, Striving. Find one where everyone is nice, where everyone is so good, no one has ever been banned, etc etc. You aren't going to find one.

"Oh that's too perfect, we just want a nicer community..." Ok, go fix it. Wait, you can't though, can you? Really, where do you start? They say the best way to fix others rude 'tude, is to fix your own. Who says that? Idk, me I guess, look it up maybe? Google's a pretty good source. Anyways, you aren't going to be able to do this alone, nor with every single person in HHG on your side, it won't happen. Even if we could get everyone to work together, people slip up. It happens to everyone and you nor them themselves can stop that. Just try to fix yourself, and give people a chance or two, or if you can't do that, just leave them be. Who cares if they spam you? Forget them. Make yourself the best you can, and do what you can. Overall, just enjoy the ride, hopefully it will be a long one...

Omg you made me so triggered I can't go in the shower. I am a strong independent women and i have right.


Trusted Member
Check your privilege first