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Voting :-)


How do people get like 21 votes on the 12th day of the month??
What is this sorcery?? I must know.
anyhow if you somehow know the answer to this question feel free to answer. Thank you


There are 6 sites you can vote on. Technically, you can pass 21 votes by day 4. Is that what you are asking?
yes and no. See if you go on one of the voting websites (mainly the minestatus one) you'll see that zykygaming has 21 votes and it's only the 11th day of the month. idk if that makes sense but you'll see when you go to the website.


yes and no. See if you go on one of the voting websites (mainly the minestatus one) you'll see that zykygaming has 21 votes and it's only the 11th day of the month. idk if that makes sense but you'll see when you go to the website.
some of the websites are 12 hour voting cooldown, others are 24 hour


Retired Staff
I see what you mean. I also find it funny that you have 15 votes on that same site, when it is the 12th of the month :p

Regardless, it is probably what Trenly said in that it refreshes every 12 hours