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Voting Problem


Active Member
Look, I know that I've asked a few times, but I feel like it's unfair not only to me but to other players too in terms on the voting issue. First of all, I was supposed to get my rank 3 weeks ago, but I understood that Zainos wasn't here to promote anyone. When he came on, I asked him several times and he completely ignored me. That made me feel very frustrated. I asked Chris if he could get Zainos to promote me, but it never happened. I know that I only asked Chris a few days ago, but It shouldn't have taken this long. I'm also writing this because of other players. It is confusing to see people who have over 250 votes. I'm sorry if i'm being impatient but I feel frustrated about this whole thing. I've been really excited to get Jr.mod from voting but recently I've kind of given up hoping that I'll ever get it.